

GeoWave are large textile containers filled with sand and installed off beaches, in shallow areas. Their purpose is to break the energy of the swell before reaching the shore and thus limit the erosion of the protected area.
This is an effective solution, quick to implement, easily reversible and presenting a carbon footprint eleven times lower than the creation of a rock structure (source: study Sustain GB 2011 – Cannes Croisette project)


The fragility. These structures being close to the surface to be effective (approximately one meter deep), they are exposed to the boat propellers of boaters, driftwood or any other risk of tearing. Their daily maintenance and their repairs or even replacement are expensive operations.

Our Solution

Seacure, thanks to GEOCORAIL technology of which we are the designers, has been able to develop an alternative that overcomes all these problems :

  • Elimination of the risk of tearing
  • immediate effectiveness thanks to the metal contained in the envelope
  • drastic reduction in maintenance costs.


In partnership with internationally renowned textile manufacturers and by adding our know-how, we offer GeoWaves that are reinforced and protected from aggression. GEOCORAIL creates a protective shell against shocks and tears.


Before installation
After 1 month
After 6 months
Geotube materialized


GeoShores are mainly riprap laid on the ground, the purpose of which is to break the energy of the swell before it reaches the shore, thus limiting the erosion of the protected zone.


ACTUAL weaknessES

These structures require a very substantial input of riprap, and the blocks laid can easily weigh several tonnes each. The logistical resources required to build such a structure are considerable, the cost of transporting the riprap is often colossal, and the carbon footprint of such a structure is extremely heavy.

What’s more, to hold the riprap in place, it has to be laid in a trapezoidal pattern, and the footprint of such a structure is consequently very large.


Seacure designs, sizes and installs GeoShores with the same shoreline protection properties as traditional methods, plus a wide range of other advantages :

  • Reduced size of riprap required (e.g. 500kg rocks instead of 8T)
  • Reduced footprint by almost half
  • Drastic reduction in the carbon cost of the structure, thanks to the reduced need for riprap and the greater ease to obtain it closer to the site.
  • Possibility of upcycling demolition materials


GeoReef and complexification

Georeefs are designed to help repopulate local flora and fauna. This solution is often implemented in areas that have been impacted by human activities. These reefs can be of any shape or size, depending on site constraints and the type of population to be attracted.


Human activity in the maritime domain can have negative impacts on the marine ecosystem: destruction of habitats, desertion of an area by marine fauna, etc.


To limit the impact of human activity on marine biodiversity and compensate for the destruction of natural habitats, SEACURE designs and installs GEOCORAIL GeoReefs of all shapes and sizes, adapted to the sites concerned.

Created from the mineral salts in seawater and sediments naturally present in the marine ecosystem, GEOCORAIL is a natural, biomimetic material identical to beach sandstone. Its coral-like composition makes GEOCORAIL a popular material, easily colonized by marine flora and fauna.



Thanks to GEOCORAIL technology, we are able to offer perfectly biomimetic solutions. The GEOCORAIL process, created from the mineral salts in seawater and sediments, produces a perfectly natural material identical to sandstone, whose composition is extremely similar to that of coral.

Natural coralligenous block on the left and Geocorail block on the right

Low-impact anchorages and eco-designed mooring systems

Today’s marinas are committed to reducing their impact on the environment and biodiversity. To this end, numerous ZMELs (Anchorage and Light Equipment Zones) have been created throughout France. To support its customers in this approach, SEACURE offers a range of services for the inspection, maintenance and installation of low-impact mooring areas (carrying out inspection operations, installing buoy markers etc.). Drawing on our experience in underwater work, we’re involved in the implementation of these zones, bringing added value to traditional methods




Thanks to the GEOCORAIL process, SEACURE also offers :

  • non-galvanized anchoring systems, to avoid releasing large quantities of zinc into the water over time.
  • eco-designed mooring solutions created to compensate for the destruction of natural habitats.
  • new ecological, low-impact mooring lines that avoid any risk of damage to the seabed. This solution can be applied in both low and high tide areas.






We also carry out all forms of inspection and reporting related to these.

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